![[#dropout] Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! page 828.png](https://dropoutmanga.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/dropout-tomo-chan-wa-onna-no-ko-page-828.png)
On Hiatus until the 24th.
![[#dropout] Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! page 815v2.png](https://dropoutmanga.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/dropout-tomo-chan-wa-onna-no-ko-page-815v2.png)
814![[#dropout] Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! page 814.png](https://dropoutmanga.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/dropout-tomo-chan-wa-onna-no-ko-page-814.png)
Our 300th page.
TL Note: She calls him a “large udo tree” (Udo no taiboku), which is a japanese idiom for a large, useless, “good for nothing” person.
Alternative Title: Night of the Living
Omg, this is so sad!! Me too wants to read Too!!!
Well played anon. I would give you 100 internets, but I’ve been told they were replaced by bitcoin, which will buy about as many goods and services but has a lower exchange rate.
I read this from right to left…
uh.. its manga. thats how youre supposed to read it…
Even fake Tomo is Tomo (TT_TT)
this ^ 😉
Heard yanagida got into motorcycle accident
And he might not return for a while
Where did you read that? He didn’t talk about it on twitter
Despite all my rage, there’s no Tomo on this page.
Rip tomo chan. You were good manga maybe even the best. (-_-)7. Press F for respects.
Where’s my god damn cute tomboy and her hyena friends?
Just to confirm, no more translation of Tomo-chan? Is there other site that translate it?
Its not a problem of translation, its that the latest comic hasn’t come out yet. The author, Yanagida, hasn’t put the next one out yet, there was supposed to be an update at the beginning of April.
It’s still on break.
Please tell us you’re not going to stop translations just because it got licensed in North America http://www.sevenseasentertainment.com/series/tomo-chan-is-a-girl/
I know you probably will. I know you probably should. I know I will buy the legit versions. But the WAIT! so long… so very very long…
We’re not.
A thousand times a thousand thank yous.
Apparently Yanagida just finished a draft of something, but hasn’t said of what. Both replies to the relevant tweet inquired if it was Tomo-chan, of course, and naturally there’s been no response back from the man.
Something new probably, but maybe there’s a glimmer of hope somewhere in that tweet.
Less relevant: someone told him to quit being a manga artist if he’s not going to do any more Tomo. The Japanese can sure be harsh.
it said on his twitterTomo’s going to continue on the 30th of this month
Can confirm. “(Still) just barely April”, he says. Still planning to send him smelly things via post for the holdup. But hey, he’s already got 14 pages done!
Maybe his car situation will have improved by then, too.
Tomo will resume on April 30th. https://twitter.com/humitan/status/987235642399645697?s=19
Great! 🙂
Praise be to Tomo! I was starting to contemplate suicide there for a second. Celebratory barbecue at my house, everyone is invited! Fuck avengers, this is what I’ve been waiting for all month! WooHoo!!
“fuck avengers”
me: *laughs till he coughs*
*dies of suffocation* (after typing this comment, of course xD)
Here’s some nice fan art in the meantime fam.
Thanks for the 750!
finally it’s here! however this chapter is quite true for everyone I guess? My parents also came to visit the shop I worked at just to, welp, check out how it’s going
the long wait is finally overrrrrr!!!!!!
Finally feel alive
Dont ever leave me ever again
Yo, my favorite porn site is Blacked. I just love seeing white guys like myself being emasculated.
That’s fucked up to share that here.
Lol, faggot deleted my comment about scrapping this manga. Just you wait, you cuck.
Deal with it, nerd.
>Has a bitchfit because people scrapped his scans
>trying to act cool by saying “deal with it,nerd”
Oh boy, wait to see what happens later tonight. (Nothing)
wait… trolls wander around this far? shooo. go on. git! you dont belong here, go back to your filthy hole.
what happen to chapter 754?? cant seem to view it
I can see it just fine here. Did you try going to the “Tomo-chan” page? I mean where you can see all the chapters. If you can’t see it, it must be on your side.
I can’t see it either
It 404’d for some reason.
I THINK tanabe-kun will have the same watch from tomo-chan. Jun would be mad to him and will get the watch but he won’t let go of that because misuzu promised a date. hehe my mind is working weirdly today.I just can’t wait for new updates that’s why. :3
thank you rhino63 for these updates! good work!
Why cant jun and tomo get together already lol im melting
I thought he was gonna do a flip or something to avoid Tomo… and well, considering Jun’s size and strength, I guess well end up with another hospital scene…?
so he touched carol’s instead 🙂
yup. turned out as expected. now, for that other blonde guy to enter the scene…
Next chapter Jun changes schools. The end.
Nevermind where his hand is, just look at where his head is
Yuuki Rito’s spirit possed Jun. We still have to see if he also took her panties off.
I know we can’t have them being together too fast bc that would probably mean the end of manga BUT STILL
Jun is too innocent. He should feel a bit proud even if shame weighs heavily.. it was still an accident.
Why is this just 1 page?
Why are my grades low?
Why does my father hate me?
I guess somethings are meant to be as they are
What does Sacred G mean?
Im guessing the g is ground or something like that.
Sacred “cup g”, if with this you don’t get it then you still are at least a bit pure and inocent, it would be a waste if you google it.
Yeah, this makes much more sense
hahahahhahahahhhah that face! “divine punishment”? pfft HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA
I CAN’T WAIT to see if this goes the same way as Carol and Jun. Very relevant to my interests.
Sacred “cup g”, if with this you don’t get it then you still are at least a bit pure and inocent, it would be a waste if you google it.
damn this shit is all smiles and laughs.
*Misuzu falls*
*she asks if youre alright*
damn girl, did you hit your head or something?
that boy, Tana-something, his smile is gonna turn upside down. I can feel it. strongly feel it. thanks for the constant releases by the way. have a good day ^_^
ohhhh regret hahahahahahaha
Misuzu: Carol…
Carol: Misuzu-chan…
me: oh! will we finally go down the yuri route?!
Misuzu: get off me
me: tch. twas too good to be true.
Believe in the power of doujins!
Believe it!
This artist used to draw hentai so yes as @FiddlePop said believe in the power of doujins!
Don’t count it out yet! =D
I see you’re a man of culture as well.
I remember that it was mentioned somewhere that the author made a TomoxMisuzu doujin but I was never able to find it, you have any leads mate?
oh my. these two never fails to make me smile xD. also, @Fohtatoh and @FiddlePop. I wasnt really serious about that yuri route thing. I actually prefer hetero over homo of both kinds, its just that I think those two dont need men in there lives, now or ever. cant really say the same for our resident tomboy-chan of course xD
Whoaaaaaaa wat. She really did it? Holy shit
Oooh finally a development!
I don’t think one exists, there is this: https://e-hentai.org/g/712839/38f3b0db97/ though It’s considered a prototype for Tomo-Chan but the characters heavily resemble Misuzu and Tomo so perhaps whatever was mentioned referred to that. (If linking is against the rules rip my ultra creative username 4head)
Maybe.. but those two are the typical Airhead and Tsundere of any good story and the artist has used this exact template on a three part hentai doujin of his in the past.
aghhhhhhhhhhh getting crushed by ants from the sweetness!!
thanks @Fohtatoh, you the man
And Tomo is an ABSOLUTE MAD WHAM!!
My man @Fohtatoh, you’re alive, right?
smug carol so kawaiiiiiiiiiiiii
It’s a weekend, i’m at the farm relaxing… basking in the sun getting a tan!
gahaaahahha damn this girl! Carol, you are such a smug little bitch! oh, and by the way, its “too confident” not “two confident”. I think that title wasnt on purpose, by the context at least.
oh wait… then again, maybe it was? XP
Carol has some serious balls doing this
HOEREESHYET!!!! DAMN THAS MA GIRL! Carol being a smug ass bitch and the queen of all that is dark and evil wont know what hit her xD
hahahahahahahhaaha now I DEFINITELY wasnt expecting that! go Tomo-chan! prince suits you just fine! (better than that idiot Jun, anyway)
Such a short lived dream
Tomo for Cinderella
And Misuzu for prince
Change my mind
hahahaha. that was great. Ill keep it short. thanks for the update ^_^
Ze best
Thanks for the update guys!
Tell me manga with heroin like Tomo-chan guys
Emm, Nisekoi , maybe ?
Haha lol she wants to care for her so she can relax and not get upset about what happen at school
the last panel on chapter 784. is the Evil Queen being kinky? or am I just too hormonally influenced…?
Tomo-chan, thank you for looking after our evil queen despite everything that shes put you through, really thank you!
Misuzu’s last panel!!!!! ugh! its so meme worthy!!!!
What ?
Please tell me she is not in love with Tomo or something…
Does anybody have any idea why is it that Mizusu doesn’t want Tomo and Jun together anymore?
Is it because she doesn’t want to lose Tomo as she is now? Or because she might have some unconscious lingering attachment to Jun? (look back at how she reacted when she knew about Carol pinning Jun on his bed)
Probably she doesn’t know herself fully yet why, I’m just curious if it was already hinted or established and I just haven’t seen it.
i was thinking she has feelings for Tomo . Before I wasn’t too certain but chapter 487 seems to give that impression .
if Tomo left she thinks shed lose “the only person that ever cared for her despite being the Goddess of all thing dark and evil”…
She likes Tomo, right?
Yeah, I figure she likes Tomo too but she just doesn’t want to deal with it.
What kind of training do I have to do in order to become as fearless as Carol?
I bet she can look death right in the eyes and chuckle saying, ‘how cute’
plot twist: Carol is the incarnation of death herself!
oops , i meant 787*
Hahahaha. Jun wanted to tease Misuzu. But from onlooker, it’s like they’re flirting around. No wonder Tomo was going rage. lol
Cinderella dont take s*** from anyone now ???
Never knew how much I missed Misuzu calling Carol ‘that thing’
“why is that thing the step mother?”
I died.
Promoted to Fluff Ball,
This keeps on getting better
By the way, what happened to Carol’s boyfriend? She got bored of him after conquering him or what, And therefore she’s gunning for Misuzu?
Loving the update
Awww, 300th Anniversary
Congrats, you guys!
Oh my gash I just might fall through the yuri route!!! and oh, btw, CONGRATULATIONS!!! ^_^
poor tomo , ruining shirts lol
They aren’t ruined, they are blessed
Hahaha so much a tree even she forgot he was one
He’s a pro at that, I hope everyone recognizes his talent. He even did method acting. Gotta give props to Jun.
Jun as Cinderella?
Jun as Cinderella.
Jun as Cinderella is my new favorite thing!!!
Tomo suddenly opened up a new fetish.. Tomo doesn’t want to be a princess anymore! She wants to be a queen!!
I bet her mom knows that she’s lying..
She doesn’t want her mom to know. Though if she knew, would she tease her for it? She most likely would xD
I see the future in this one strongly
I am convinced that the daughters are younger clones O.o
Can’t we get Mama Jun?
Love your work on the series. I generally just read the raws on Saizensen, but checking out your interpretation and spreading it around to my friends has multiplied my enjoyment of this great comic.
That said, I have just a quick nitpick about #810. Misuzu’s tiny little speech bubbles read “shiku, shiku”. This is normally just kind of a stock verbalization of quiet weeping, so instead of “scrub, scrub” it might be better put as her going “boo-hoo, boo-hoo” or something. Or at least, that’s my take on it.
dang it! I ship the girls and their mothers so bad, like I dont care if its incest! gahhhhh reading this relieves so much stress xD
Ostatnimi czasy bardzo często z marketów wielobranżowych możemy kupić artykuły eko. Chociaż bywają one droższe od hipermarketowej żywnościówki, stopniowo rośnie na nie popyt.
Prequel with Akemi when?
Jun is reaching enlightement by becoming the tree
So what does ‘Freedom Bug’ mean?
Misuzu’s Tee sure doesn’t lie
why does my chest feel so light seeing the mothers and daughters playing about…?
He can only hope they didn’t spit in his coffee… in the last panel their faces look like they could spit at him at any moment XD
She said it’s probably not that romantic but I think “HES HOLDING HER” ? progress . Lol
Well that was not the hug I’ve been expecting….What am I saying, of course that was the ‘hug’ I expected.
Oh no, I was having a lot of fun with this series with the recent chapters, but I’m unsure about chapter 823. The drama has been the worst part of it all, especially the long flashbacks involving their childhood, and Misuzu and Jun’s relationship. Really hope we’re not going back there, the execution was terrible
See you tomorrow!
Nice *-*/
Truly *-*
calling it now, I think Misuzus pair will be super kind and super soft, like the absolute opposite of her. not quite like carols pair, but maybe the typical “good guy” type who stands for justice and all that is good, who just wants to bring Misuzu over to the light and all that shit… and honestly, Im more hyped for Misuzus love story than for Tomo and Jun’s HAHAHHAHAHAH
poor ramen boy… he reminds me of myself sometimes when I go out with my friend then she post a retro vibe photos with “Coffee alone not so lonely”-type of caption.
I meant photo. sorry
Damn, that hurts
I’ll root for you
and in 826 Carol is being shown to not really be the airhead she ‘presents’ herself as.
No joda Jun D:
My God it happening…
That seems to be a confession.. Is it happening now?? Is it right??? It took too long!! Way too long!!
Being a tree made him grow Ballz?
I think you mean being a tree made him grow a root. XD
FINALLY!!!! <3 I wonder if he said anything on top that made her run away. Like, "we can't continue to be friends".
24 July, get your ass here now!!
Damn, it’s happening! But now poor Tomo is too scared to go for it… She thinks it could ruin/risk their friendship D:
In short, enter drama…
It didn’t work for me so I’m hopin’ if works out for Tomo
Oh. Oh! Ohh! OHHHHHH!!! 827 chapters for her to know he loves her. Thank God nobody watched when I read this, because their weird dance of celebration I made would have made them think I’m crazy and/or retarded xD I’m seriously happy this is happening, but if the author trolls us again… people will die in the trillions. Yes, trillions.
you celebrate too soon =)))) I can see what’s next. “There’s no misunderstanding. Look, true lovers should look like that” or something
As much as I think this author has completely bungled the romance and drama aspect of this manga, I really doubt he’d troll us at this point, Jun straight up says he likes her. It’s really hard to actually back track on that without completely killing everything.
It looks like the author is gearing up to end the series, but if he doesn’t end the series I hope their relationship actually progresses and we just get gags of that instead. Humor is what this manga does right. I was not having a fun time during all of those flashbacks, but I had a big ol’ smile for most of the entire Cinderella play arc
Aaand she runs away.. O.o Boo Hiatus cliffhanger !
I am wondering though, what is Misuzu’s actual goal ? I mean often she seems to be against them being together…but for what reason I cannot say. Is she afraid that she will be left behind ? Or she has feelings for Tomo ?
i can’t believe the author dropped this huge bomb on us and left on hiatus. im shook
I’m more shocked he didn’t go on hiatus right after that bomb drop, it feels like he does that a lot
*reads Carol saying, “Ah! Tomo-chan is running away. Are they playing tag?”*
*Laughs a bit*
*reads “On hiatus until the 24th* “FUUUUUUUUUU!”
Misuzu is starting to pissin me of withihis bipolatiry…